
Covering Jason Kenney

A few quick tips for journalists covering Kenney's problem with covering:

1) Niqabs and burqas are not the same thing. You can wear a burqa without covering your face. Hijab is a related concept, but stop using hijabi women in photographs when speaking about niqabis.

2) Assuming these women do not have agency is oppressive:

 a) Oppression has many layers. A niqab may represent a form of oppression but let’s not forget it can also represent choice. 

b) Please, please, please speak with women who wear a niqab before forming an opinion. It is only fair. Speaking with "moderates" and academic Muslims creates a nice supporting cast but you are missing the star of the show.

3) Do not become entangled in Islamic debates about the "obligation to veil" and to what degree. People will still wear the niqab as an expression of religiousity whether or not you can prove what the Quran truly means by "modest."

4) Finally, let's address the elephant in the room: How will alienating these women teach them about the equality Kenney is trying to preach?
Working on a longer piece with the voices I'd like to hear in it .... stay tuned.

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