1. Looking to grab my car and drive home from a friend's I got out of an elevator on P1. Looked around and didn't recognize anything.
Got back in elevator. Went to P2. Looked around. Never been there before.
Got back in the elevator. Went to P3. Huh. Third time isn't a charm.
Got back in elevator confused. Got out of elevator.
Got over my pride and texted friend to ask what level her parking is on. Ground floor in case you were wondering.
2. About to jump on the DVP from downtown for my 30 minute trip to Markham and notice the gas light has come on.
A few blocks from the ramp I decide to be clever and use my built-in GPS to find a gas station. There is one a block from the ramp.
Except my GPS is outdated and it is now a construction site.
3. My oldest, dearest friend came over to burn the midnight oil and catch up on work. Half an hour later, she was sleeping.
4. Waiting to take a left at a busy intersection, I stay focused on the stream of cars. So focused I failed to realize my light had turned from green to yellow to red.
5. While grabbing a snow brush from inside the car, snow from the top of the car fell right in and piled on inside the car - not just the seat but wedged in all the fancy auto buttons on the driver's side of the car. My attempts to get rid of it only packed it tighter underneath the buttons.